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GoGuardian Parent App

The GoGuardian Parent app is a mobile app designed to provide parents/guardians insight and control over their student's online activity when on school-managed devices and accounts.

The GoGuardian Parent app is a mobile app designed to provide parents/guardians insight and control over their student's online activity when on school-managed devices and accounts.

The GoGuardian Parent app provides you with an additional set of internet controls that you can set for out-of-school hours. GoGuardian Parent was created to help provide students with additional educational support and is a companion to the classroom engagement and internet filtering tools that our schools use.

To access the app, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the app
    1. Download via Apple Store
    2. Download via Google Play Store
  2. After the app is successfully downloaded and installed, open it up and enter the email address registered with the school. Note: If you forgot your registered email address, please reach out to your child's school.  If the email you used at registration does not work, please contact the MSBSD Callcenter at (907) 761-HELP
  3. Login/Check Email: Check your email on your phone for a link to log in to the app. Tap the "Verify your email", and it will take you straight to the app. Note: If you don't have access to your email through the device you used to log in, tap on "Login with verification code", and copy and paste the verification code from the email into the app.
MSBSD Hiring Special Ed Assistants & Tutor Advisors!

MSBSD is looking to hire Special Education Assistants and Tutor Advisors at several school sites across the district! 

MSBSD is looking to hire Special Education Assistants and Tutor Advisors at several school sites across the district!  Paraprofessionals play an essential role at our schools.  Under the supervision of a certified teacher, a paraprofessional supports schools in meeting the educational, behavioral, and socio-emotional needs of students.

Interested in applying?  Head to

STOPiT Anonymous Reporting

To help keep our schools safe, we encourage you to use STOPiT, MSBSD’s anonymous reporting tool.

To help keep our schools safe, we encourage you to use STOPiT, MSBSD’s anonymous reporting tool.

Here’s how STOPiT can help:

  • Students: Report bullying, harassment, alcohol or drug use, depression, campus violence, and more.
  • Community Members: Report individuals who may be a danger to themselves or others, or involved in unlawful activity.
  • Employees: Report safety, misconduct, or compliance concerns.

How to Report:

  • For urgent threats, call 9-1-1.
  • Use STOPiT for anonymous reports.

Thank you for helping us keep our schools secure!


Upcoming MSBSD Event

Coming Up


TKE Community Schools Program SY24/25 

Roller Skating Session 2 THU Section

Click link to register:

A separate, paper-copy of the release of liability form will be provided. The form must be completed by a parent or guardian and returned to Ms. Becks prior to participation.

Enter your student's practices into

Adult volunteers to help the kids get on their gear and lace up their skates are greatly appreciated! We're able to get in more skating when it is not only Ms. Becks available to do all that. Adults are welcome to skate as well.



This will be the second of a minimum of three sessions of roller skating for the 2024/2025 school year. Two sections were initially offered; the Friday section is now full. This registration is for the Thursday section.  Your flexibility and understanding are appreciated.

The number of participants will be capped at 20 per section. Those expressing interest beyond the maximum number of participants will be placed on a wait-list and will be contacted to sign up should a space become available. 

PreK participants are welcome to enroll; an adult responsible for the care and safety of each preK child must be present while the child is present.

Talkeetna Elementary has a supply of roller skates and personal protective gear available for use by participants. There are also some "Skate-Trainer" skating aids available to use. Participants are welcome to use their own non-marking roller skates so long as the skates do not damage the gym floor; TKE/CS retains the final approval of the use of personal skates. In-line skates (i.e. roller blades) are not allowed as they mar the gym floor. 

Helmets and wrist guards are required to be worn by all participants while skating; the use of knee and elbow pads is strongly encouraged, but not required.

Read More about TKE CS Roller Skating Session 2 THU Section

Event Location: Jack McDonald Ice Rink at Talkeetna Elementary

Coach: Franny Thompson |

Days of the week: Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:15pm

Begin Date: 01/07/2025

End Date: 02/27/2025

End of Season Skate and Party: 03/04/2025



Activity Dates: (1/7, 1/9, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30, 2/4, 2/6, 2/11, 2/13, 2/18, 2/20, 2/25, 2/27)




*Permission form and payment must be completed BEFORE students can participate in practice.*



1. Complete Paper Permission Form/Liability Waiver available in the front office of Talkeetna Elementary



2. Complete Payment to TKE - $30:

3. Complete TYHA Membership - $30 for an individual or $45 for a family (includes all members of the household):







4. Complete TYHA Hockey Registration - $35 per skater (scholarships available):





5. Gear rental is available if needed for $50 per skater for the season (scholarships are available)



6. Update PIKMYKID with activity dates:




Detailed description of activity is available in the front office of TKE, attached to the Liability Waiver.





Read More about *Cancelled* TKE/TYHA PK-2nd Grade Hockey

Event Location: Jack McDonald Ice Rink at Talkeetna Elementary

Coach: Franny Thompson |

Days of the week: Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:15pm

Begin Date: 01/07/2025

End Date: 02/27/2025

End of Season Skate and Party: 03/04/2025



Activity Dates: (1/7, 1/9, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30, 2/4, 2/6, 2/11, 2/13, 2/18, 2/20, 2/25, 2/27)





*Permission form and payment must be completed BEFORE students can participate in practice.*



1. Complete Paper Permission Form/Liability Waiver available in the front office of Talkeetna Elementary



2. Complete Payment to TKE - $30:

3. Complete TYHA Membership - $30 for an individual or $45 for a family (includes all members of the household):







4. Complete TYHA Hockey Registration - $35 per skater (scholarships available):





5. Gear rental is available if needed for $50 per skater for the season (scholarships are available)



6. Update PIKMYKID with activity dates:



Detailed description of activity is available in the front office of TKE, attached to the Liability Waiver.



Read More about *Cancelled* TKE/ TYHA 3rd-5th Grade Hockey

Click link to register:



Event Location:  TKE Gymnasium

Day of the Week: Thursdays

Time: 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Begin Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024





End Date: Thursday, May 8, 2025





Program Dates: Open Gym Time will be offered on an on-going, regular, drop-in basis throughout the school year, excepting school holidays, closures, etc. 





NO OPEN GYM ON: October 31st, November 28th, December 12th, March 13th





Action Required: Complete the registration to sign up. A separate, paper-copy of the release of liability form will be provided and must be completed prior to participation.










The Talkeetna Elementary gym and equipment will be open and available to all community members of all ages on a weekly basis throughout the school year, free of charge. Open Gym Time is flexible, lively, and fun! Activities will be offered based on requests and general consensus of those in attendance each night.





Please bring indoor shoes to wear in the gym; outdoor shoes and boots damage the gym floor. Barefeet or socks are acceptable, according to your comfort.





An adult responsible for the behavior, safety, and care of the participating child or children must be present while the child is present.



Read More about TKE Community Schools: Community/Family Open Gym Time

Talkeetna Youth Hockey Association & Community Schools are offering

Middle & High School Hockey 

At the Talkeetna Elementary Jack MacDonald Ice Rink with coach Mickey Kenny!

Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm January 7th through March 4th 2025

There are 3 steps to register

Step 1: Talkeetna Youth Hockey Association Membership

$30 individual or $45 family (includes all members of the household).

Membership Sign Up

Step 2: MS/HS Hockey Registration $100 (scholarships available)

Hockey Registration

Step 3: Complete the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District Release of Liability form prior to athlete participation.

Email the completed form to or bring it to the first practice.

Copies of the form will also be available at the first practice.

MSBSD Liabilty Release Form


Gear rental is available to students for $50. 

Gear rental Dec. 3rd & Dec. 18th 3:15pm-5pm at the hockey shack or by appointment.

Contact for more information.
































































































































































































Read More about *Cancelled* TKE CS/TYHA: MS/HS Hockey

Dear Talkeetna Elementary Families,

As you are aware, our school has experienced eight snow days this year, and we must adjust our calendar to ensure that our students receive the required instructional time needed to support their learning. The following dates will now be regular school days when students are expected to attend:


  • February 17 (Previously a Parent-Teacher Conference day)

  • March 7 (Previously a Teacher Work Day)

  • May 2 (Previously a Professional Learning Day)

  • May 21 (Previously a Scheduled Snow Day)

  • May 23 (Previously a Teacher Work Day)

Please note that this adjustment includes one additional student contact day at the end of the school year.

We understand that these changes may present challenges for some families, and we sincerely appreciate your patience and flexibility as we navigate this unusual school year. Our goal is to ensure that our students continue to receive the education they deserve while meeting the required instructional hours.

In addition to these changes, we recognize the importance of Parent-Teacher Conferences. To make up for the loss of our previously scheduled conferences, teachers will be contacting families to arrange phone conferences. We will prioritize Reads Act conversations for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students. Please look for an informational letter in your students homework folder next week. 

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work together to make the best of these adjustments. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office.

Drew Larrabee
Principal, Talkeetna Elementary School

Read More about TKE School Day: Snow Day Make-Up

Click link to register:

Event Location:  TKE Gymnasium
Day of the Week: Mondays
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Begin Date: Monday, October 7th, 2024

End Date: Monday, May 12th, 2025

Program Dates: Toddler Gym Time will be offered on an on-going, regular, drop-in basis throughout the school year, excepting school holidays, closures, etc. 

NO TODDLER GYM ON: January 20th, and March 10th

Action Required: Complete the registration to sign up. A separate, paper-copy of the release of liability form will be provided and must be completed prior to participation.


The Talkeetna Elementary gym and equipment will be open and available for children of toddler age to come and play on a weekly basis throughout the school year, free of charge. Toddler Gym Time is flexible, lively, fun, and filled with heart-warming, ear-piercing, rafter-echoing toddler giggles!

Children above toddler age are welcome to attend, with the understanding that activities and energy levels will be determined by the toddlers.

Please bring indoor shoes to wear in the gym; outdoor shoes and boots damage the gym floor. Barefeet or socks are acceptable as well, according to your comfort.

An adult responsible for the behavior, safety, and care of the participating child or children must be present while the child is present.

Read More about TKE Community Schools: Toddler Gym Time
  • Stewardship
  • Accountability
  • Empathy
  • Quality
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Collaboration

Our Schedule

School Start & Close

  • Monday: Drop-off @ 9:20 & school start @ 9:30
  • Tuesday-Friday: Drop-off @ 8:20 & school start @ 8:30
  • All Days: School ends at 3:05 

TKE Daily Schedule

Please try to call with any end of day transportation changes prior to 2:00


Our Vision & Mission

Mission & Beliefs


VISION: Talkeetna Elementary consistently provides a safe and nurturing learning environment where students and staff understand expectations and achieve goals toward individual success.

MISSION: Mat-Su Borough School District prepares all students for success.


Our Goals & Beliefs

Mission & Beliefs

  • GOALS: Improve student success, achievement, and performance.
  • Develop excellent educators and leaders.
  • Use innovative practices to improve the education system.
  • Include families and community members in the education of our students.
  • Promote safe and healthy environments for all.
  • High Expectations for students and staff lead to high achievement.
  • Parent/family partnerships and timely communications are essential to student growth. 
  • We are student-centered.  Decisions are made based on what is best for students.
  • Differentiation within all classrooms will meet the needs of our students.


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